What a unique battle mechanics! It requires both skill and a level-head, which realizes a personal effect, that is, the player receives as active feeling of adrenaline as he or she progresses through the battle, provided that said player keeps an open-mind to the game. The music certainly maintains the mood, and I hope to see more variety should this game have future updates.
The graphics, though simple, were appropriate. I could see visual effects and maybe some animations added to help promote visual stimuli, which would also support the momentum of battle rendered by the battle mechanics. Though, sometimes the simplicity clashes with the background at points. Whereas the characters' design employs contour and basic coloring, the backgrounds utilize complex principles of design, seemingly actuating a realistic style. The juxtaposition between the two is not distracting, but it can be disconcerting if one ponders it. This, however, is a matter of taste, so it nothing worth deeming as an intrinsic impairment to quality. It is still something to nevertheless consider. Also, the background, from my experiences during the game, seem to be determined haphazardly. Where one is on the world map usually does not reflect the environment in which one battles. This is also the case for the factories. I imagine a factory as an industrialized setting filled with glorious technology and whatnot, but this ideal is not met when I fought in the plains within the factory. Because there is no indication of whether or not this should be, I am left to adopt my unwarranted expectations. This, of course, is a peccadillo and definitely not a quality that ruins this particular gaming experience.
I, moreover, cannot find myself being immersed into the plot. There is little with which I can sympathize, for instance, the impersonal protagonist, enemies, etc. and there is a lack of in-game appraisal for the player's accomplishment, especially when one conquers a factory (the message provided by the conclusion of a factory is a touch, and it can be developed more). The prelude to the game was effective in that it was vague yet informative, providing enough detail to adumbrate the progression of the game, but more development would be nice to see, unless, of course, that is the point, in which case the technique is fine where it is.
Overall, this is a solid game with a lot of a stored potential with the mechanics and the plot, but it is not one that I can continuously play.