Given that this is meant to be a logo, you did quite well. It's simple, conceptually impressive, and technically consistent. Most notable is the implied symmetry. The slight variations in the cap's radial design, in addition to the ideal composition of the logo's face and the texture, give the logo an organic, personal nature. This aptly reflects its inspiration; I can fathom this work being used as a logo for music sketches, or for any other like purpose, really.
This could conclusively stand alone, but that makes it all the more curious for me to see where you may develop this sketch. If anything, the background would probably receive attention, although I do not see any need. (Some have questioned my aesthetic sensibilities. Then I question theirs... blah blah, subjectivity, blah blah...)
Incidentally, I did not consider any sex at first glance; I do not view design in that manner.